Curb Appeal and Landscape Staging 

Prospective home buyers begin to develop their initial impressions of a property the moment they step onto it and after viewing its photos online.


It is a well known fact in Real Estate circles that prospective home buyers begin to develop their initial impressions of a property the moment they step onto it and after viewing its photos online. Therefore, it is equally as important to stage the exterior of a property as it is the interior. To achieve this instant, positive impact, Spectacular-Spaces Designs offers Curb Appeal and Landscape Staging services.

Curb Appeal and Landscape Staging is more than merely placing a pot of flowers on the front porch or hanging a wreath on the front door. It is about the overall impression prospective buyers get of the front of the house. If you are preparing a property for sale, the use of color on the exterior of the house intensifies the curb appeal of a property and helps to create a positive first impression with prospective buyers. Smart and distinctive color choices outside will entice prospective buyers to go inside.

The front facade of a house is a key area of the property that will have a direct impact on its sale. This includes the front lawn, trees and shrubs, the flower beds, the front walk and driveway, the condition of the exterior of the house and the front door. In short, it encompasses everything a prospective buyer sees when they look at the house from the curb or from the exterior photos online.

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Ellen Fador in Winchester, MA on Houzz

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